Why You Need Christian Premarital Counseling

Christian premarital counseling is overlooked by many couples. But how can this be? You ask. Consider this simple but common scenario: A couple meets and are physically attracted to each other. They begin to date and experience warm and fuzzy feelings whenever their in the same room. They discover they have a lot in common and enjoy each others company immensely. Before you know it, their engaged and planning their wedding.

There's no problem with any of that. Here's where the problem arises. That same couple is now in "wedding planning" mode and are inundated with decisions: wedding colors, dress styles, wedding participants, decorations, food, the DJ, the music, the reception, the honeymoon and the list goes on. Decisions, decisions, decisions all have to be made so that they can have the perfect wedding. Some couples even hire a consultant to help them make sure everything is picture perfect. And again, there's nothing wrong with any of that but the question is, "Who's preparing them for life beyond the wedding?"

Many couples don't understand the importance of Christian premarital counseling. They ask, will it really make a difference in our marriage? Is it really necessary for us to sit in someone's office or in session after session discussing things we already know about? Is premarital counseling just a waste of time? These are all legitimate questions that are perhaps wrought out of not having a clear understanding or Christian premarital counseling in the first place.

So, why don't we begin by defining Christian premarital counseling? First of all, it is obviously based upon Christian principles rather than psychology. The term "Pre marital" naturally means before marriage and counseling is defined as professional guidance in resolving personal or emotional conflict. Thus, Christian premarital counseling is professional or expert guidance which is biblically based. That means it will teach you how to have a godly marriage but it will also teach you how to resolve future marital conflicts in a godly manner.

In other words, Christian premarital counseling will not only help you understand what God has to say about marriage, it will equip you to fight the enemy when he comes to destroy your marriage. Remember, this is not about your relationship as it is now. Everything between you and your intended spouse might be peaches and cream at the moment but rest assured, problems are coming. That may sound negative but the truth is, every married couple experiences problems of some sort during their marriage journey. Therefore, it is simply not wise on your part to skip premarital counseling based on how the two of you feel at this moment.

As I already stated, the wedding process intoxicates many brides and grooms. Don't spend months, or even years, planning the perfect wedding and then wake up one day and realize you married the wrong person. Pre marital counseling will help you find out if the person you are about to marry is the right one for you. Wouldn't you rather know now, before your wedding day?

If it helps, look at premarital counseling as one of the key ingredients of wedding planning. In fact, when you create your wedding checklist, place Christian pre marriage counseling at the top. Don't become so overwhelmed with planning the perfect wedding that you fail to get the tools you'll need to build a solid foundation.

Satan is real and he will be looking for any cracks you may have in the foundation of your marriage. All he needs is one and when he finds it he will cleverly enter in and begin to make his way to the very core. Your job is to make sure he doesn't find any cracks in the foundation of your marriage. Christian premarital counseling will equip you to stop Satan in his tracks by exposing his tactics to you in advance.

Wanda J. Collins encourages you to seek the heart of God concerning your Christian marriage. When you seek the Lord with all of your heart, you will find Him. When you submit yourself to Him, He will direct your path. He will provide the answers you need to transform your relationship. I invite you to visit Christian Marriage Today where you can receive free marriage advice and the answers to your marital questions.

Original article

1 comment:

Frances said...

While there are couples who just undergo Christian counseling after they've married, couples have the option to undergo this type of counseling even before they get married in order to be given assistance in making decisions which could change their lives forever.