The Do's and Don'ts of Holiday Season Proposals

The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's is the most popular time for couples to get engaged. In fact, it is often referred to as engagement season. If you are thinking of popping the question to your girlfriend this holiday season, check out these dos and don'ts first.

Do: Think Carefully About the Best Time and Place to Propose. There are some women who would love it if you popped the question over the pumpkin pie at a huge family Thanksgiving celebration so all of her loved ones could be there to witness the special moment. There are other women who would be absolutely mortified by such a public proposal, so think about your girlfriend's personality and relationship with her family before deciding when and where to whip out that diamond bridal jewelry and drop to one knee.

Don't: Propose in Front of Others if There is Any Doubt About Her Answer. Most proposals are met with a resounding, "Yes!", but there are other occasions when she may need to think about it a little. If you have never discussed marriage with your girlfriend, you have a complicated relationship, or she is just the contemplative type, it is best to propose to her in private. Otherwise, she may feel terribly pressured about having to make such an important life decision with a room full of people watching her.

Do: Tie Your Proposal in With Her Favorite Holiday. Is your girlfriend a sentimental type, who loves the warmth and coziness of Thanksgiving? Does she live for Christmas? Or maybe she is a party girl who adores the glitter and glamor of New Year's Eve. Pick her favorite holiday as the occasion to pop the question to make the moment even more memorable.

Don't: Make Her Wait. If you know darn well that your girlfriend is expecting a Christmas proposal under the tree, don't decide to wait until December 26 just to keep the element of surprise going. Trust me, she would rather be less surprised but not have to wait! She might try to put a brave face on it, but she is going to be crushed if the special day comes and goes with no sign of the bridal jewelry engagement ring.

Do: Come Up With a Fun Way to Propose. There is a reason that men like to tie the engagement ring to the Christmas tree or drop it in a glass of Champagne on New Year's Eve: it's fun. Even if your idea is not totally original, your girlfriend will love the special presentation. Besides, it will make for a delightful engagement story to tell when she is asked how you proposed. And people will definitely be asking her!

Don't: Think You Have to Have a Ring. While every woman certainly enjoys getting a big sparkly diamond ring when she gets engaged, all you really need is a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. So if you are ready to pop the question but don't have money for an engagement ring yet, don't let that stand in the way. By the same token, if you wish to propose but are afraid to pick a ring without your girlfriend's input, go ahead and pop the question. Frankly, if she won't say yes without a diamond, she is not the girl for you anyway. But most women will not care a fig about the ring, because they know that true love is the best gift of all.

Guy has been writing about society and weddings for a long time. If you have a topic you would like to know about, let us know at Silverland Jewelry. Sign up for our free newsletter today to receive special offers on our unique collection of bridal jewelry and bridesmaid gifts.

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