Ten Craziest Ways to Propose

For most people, a man going down on one knee and asking the question with his potential partner's hand in his is enough for a marriage proposal, although some people tend to go the extra mile and come up with all sorts of crazy ideas which may either be successful or botched. Below are 10 of the craziest examples on how a man can ever propose to a woman:

1. Via App - Everybody wants to be as hip and trendy as possible, making use of technology as a way to express one's feelings for another. In fact, a lot of people often think it's rather cute to make use of apps for proposing to a woman, although it surely doesn't replace the feeling of seeing your girlfriend's face light up when you ask the question.

2. Via Twitter - Twitter is considered to be one of the most popular social networking sites these days, and can be used as a way to propose to your girlfriend if you're not afraid of raising the question in front of a million people who may or may not know you.

3. Hiding the ring in your dinner - This is a classic method which, up to this very day, can be considered rather creative, especially when executed under the right conditions. Of course, you'd have to make sure she doesn't eat the ring.

4. Skydiving - the rush of adrenaline you receive when you and your girlfriend go skydiving millions of miles above the ground can be rather exciting, and if you decide to pop the question mid-air, you're definitely insane.

5. Courtside - When you and your partner are watching a game of baseball or any other sporting event, you're basically putting yourself up in a risky situation, especially when you don't know anyone in the building. It can be considered as a show of masochism, although it just may work out.

6. Live TV - Going live on national TV is just one of those perfect ways for you to make an embarrassment out of yourself, by being as uncomfortable as possible, although if you truly love each other, she just might find it endearing and will say "yes" to you.

7. Visit the Eiffel Tower - if you and your girlfriend happen to be on a trip to Paris, the Eiffel Tower should be one of your top destinations. The feeling of seeing the whole of the city atop plus the night wind blowing her hair just might be the perfect opportunity for you to propose to her. It's crazy but extremely romantic, as most would agree.

8. Via webcam - A fine example is the "Chat Roulette wedding proposal" video, wherein a guy proposes to a random woman, with the help of his buddies. It's creative and definitely unusual, although it will definitely work if you're doing it for an actual girlfriend.

9. Zero gravity proposal - This involves you getting in a zero gravity simulator and floating around weightless, and the risk of losing the wedding ring mid-air. It's risky, but it's definitely something you might want to consider if you're insane enough.

10. Umbrellas - This would involve the help of your family and friends, along with many umbrellas. Get them to line up, and when you and your girlfriend walk towards them, with her finding the concept of several people using umbrellas on a sunny day, have them pop the question with their umbrellas flipped up, each spelling the letters in the question, "will you marry me." Now that's a marriage proposal!

Bernard Y invites you to http://www.freedating411.com/, dedicated to sharing useful information on relationships and everything under the sun concerning one's dating and love life.

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