10 Signs You Are Ready to Get Engaged

You both are openly talking about your future together. Dreaming about your future is different from talking about how things will work in your life together. Talking about getting married is exciting, so is planning out how your lives will merge. Be sure to get clear about things like how you will handle the holidays, children, finances, merging your two homes, dealing with family and in-laws, etc. Getting engaged should be a mutual decision and choice to be discussed and planned jointly.
You feel completely comfortable with your partner. Talking and sharing about everything openly without concern in your relationship is very important. Complete honesty without secrets is a must in a marriage. You must be able to share your deepest feelings, triggers, hang ups, faults, mistakes while feeling supported and loved without feeling guilt, shame, or neglect.
You feel completely safe in this relationship. Being accepted and loved no matter what is a key to success in a marriage. Not feeling threatened in any way and knowing you are taken care of by your partner contributes to feeling safe.
You know that you and your relationship is a priority to and for each other. Making each other and your relationship a priority takes effort and commitment. Lives get very busy with careers and children, so go ahead, schedule your date night for every week starting now making romance and intimacy a part of your weekly routine.
There is no pressure or pushing for a future - it just happens organically and naturally. If you find yourself pushing for an engagement ring or commitment for marriage, be sure fear of losing your partner or some other external need or influence is not driving it. Allowing your relationship to develop organically while exploring the idea of marriage will bring your engagement date closer to you. Pressing for a date or ring will create delay and unnecessary pressure on your relationship.
You do not worry or experience any anxiety about your relationship. Worrying about what your partner is or is not doing is an unhealthy activity. If this is a pattern in your relationship, maybe it is time to reconsider whether or not this is a healthy relationship for you or not.
No game playing or manipulation or control - you both are free with each other to be who you are. Using manipulative language, lying, or involving others to get your partner to do or say something is very unhealthy. Instead learn how to ask for what you need and want, allow the space for finding a mutually acceptable solution, and stand in the space of authenticity.
You don't spend time convincing yourself, your friends, or family that this is the relationship for you. There is no need to convince your friends and family that your partner is the 'Bomb' as they will see that for themselves. If you are in an unhealthy relationship, your friends and family will let you know. Pay attention to what they say instead of defending your relationship. Friends and family love to interfere in relationship drama but you should still consider their opinions in your assessment of your relationship simply because they do care for your welfare and well-being.
You don't defend each other or your relationship with friends or family. The reason you find yourself defending your partner is because you've been complaining about them behind their back. Find someone else, a professional Relationship Coach perhaps, to share your thoughts and concerns. This gives you an objective outside resource that will not interfere in your relationships with friends, family or your partner.
You truly accept and love each other for who you. Accepting each other's differences and for who you both are is the sweet spot of love. Maintain individuality while joining each other in the relationship for a sustainable relationship.

Instead of wondering if s/he will ever propose causing unnecessary anxiety, impatience, and potential conflict in your relationship, why not just be sure. Have clarity, certainty and peace in knowing about your future with the one you love.

Dr. Dar invites you to visit her website http://www.drdar.com/ to claim your free gift: Fearless Dating for Singles who want to re-enter the dating world and find love; Couples who want to solve the communication problems or conflict in their relationship.

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