Thinking About the Best Marriage Proposal Ideas? Avoid These Mistakes

Your marriage proposal ideas may be innovative and thoughtful- but even a few simple mistakes can spoil the experience forever! Go through the tips below- and make sure your perfect idea is not doomed for failure!

The danger in ideas that have been done to death- Did you hear about the one where the guy popped the ring into a glass of wine in order to surprise his girlfriend? She had to land up in the ER- after inadvertently swallowing the stupid thing! Want to avoid such catastrophes? Think simple, but original! It's not as difficult as it sounds. It doesn't HAVE to be over the top. Sometimes the best ideas are the ones that are simple! Think about her likes and dislikes- her hobbies, favorite music and interests. You'll have your best clue there!

Marriage proposal ideas that are extravagant- how much is 'too much', you wonder? After all, what's a bit of money if it can give you a memorable proposal? Trouble is- most of the times the extravagance tends to shadow the proposal itself! You can't replace creativity with money! The focus needs to be on the emotions and feelings involved - not on something expensive you've arranged!

Ditto for too elaborate affairs- Some guys just don't know where to stop. If they like more than one marriage proposal idea- they'll combine everything into one! So you could land up with an elaborate dinner, receive a teddy with a ring on its collar- and then go treasure hunting before he proposes! Think she'll be impressed? Not so much! She'll probably be too tired to concentrate on you!

The sensible thing to do is to go for something that is special for both of you. It doesn't have to be something your favorite Hollywood star did for his fiancé! Make it a simple affair- the occasion itself will make it memorable!

Most ladies don't like making a spectacle of themselves- or their private emotions! If you absolutely must propose to her in front of friends and family (not the best of ideas for most couples), make sure she'll appreciate it. Of course- be prepared for a lack of privacy once the proposal is over! There won't be a lot of staring into to each other's eyes if your mother in law's got a hawk eye over you!

Being taken by surprise- no matter how extensively you plan out your proposal, even the best marriage proposal ideas could go horribly wrong! Always have a backup plan ready in case something doesn't quite go the way you planned it. Rehearse all ideas well- especially ones that seem a bit elaborate. Think about any possible way things could go wrong- and prepare for it! It's the least you could do!

No matter which marriage proposal ideas you are thinking of, try to avoid these gaffes! After all, you don't want your girlfriend to remember this proposal for the wrong reasons for the rest of your lives!

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