Topics That Every Engaged Couple Should Discuss

When you're engaged, probably the last thing that thinking about are the topics that every engaged couple really should cover. Quite understandably your focus is on the wedding and that fact that you will spend the rest of your life with your fiancé. It's easy to forget that this is you final opportunity to make sure that everything is right between you and that neither of you have any significant concerns. A wedding is one day, your marriage will be for the rest of your life. This list of topics that I have is by no means exhaustive but it make a fair final checklist of the major issues.

Why are you getting married

If you are getting married it has to be for the right reason otherwise it will not work. You both have to want this because you love and care for each other, and there is no-one on this planet that you would rather share your lives with. You have to be committed to each other and the marriage. You need to be compatible and ideally have some shared interests, and additional something that can help you grow together. Wanting to get married because all your friends are, you are lonely, pregnant, or looking for financial security (to name but a few) are no good reasons.

You might hope that your fiancé is going to change for the better after you get married. If their behaviour shows a lack of respect to you now when you are engaged, then it won't change when you are married, if anything it will get worse.

Shared vision

Make sure that you both have similar ideas as to how your marriage should work and develop. If you both have different expectations that cannot be reconciled then you are in for a bumpy ride to the divorce court.

Are you jealous or an insecure person

Jealous people are typically insecure people, and jealousy can make your marriage a living nightmare. Getting married does not cure jealousy, in fact it probably makes it worse. If your fiancé suffers from jealousy then you need to help them come to terms with it, and deal with it, before you get married and not after.

Can you and do you communicate

I keep saying this, but without communication you have no connection, you have no relationship, and no marriage. You have to be able to talk about your feelings, emotions, fears, problems, hopes and dreams, your wants and needs, if you cannot do that then how can you help and support each other, how can you get to know each other? And just how do you expect to make your marriage to develop and grow if you cannot share your lives like this? In the U.S 67.5% of all divorces cited a breakdown in communication as the driving force behind their divorce. If you can't communicate then don't get married, the divorce attorneys have enough work to handle as it is.

And do you listen

It can be very difficult to really listen to someone. If we're criticized we go on the defensive and we can miss what's being said, otherwise our mind starts thinking about how to reply, and yet again we can miss what's being said. If your fiancé has something to say then you should want to know it, if it is something that is important to them then it is important to you. So focus on your fiancé and listen.

Are you carrying baggage

If you are carrying baggage from previous relationships or marriages, then you need to get closure on all of your issues before you get married! Talk to your fiancé about it to see if they can help. If you get married with the ghosts of pervious failures still haunting you then they poison your marriage, and you could lose out of the chance of happiness.

What about time together

When you have kids this will be even more difficult to find but you have to spend time together enjoying yourselves. Spending quality time together helps to strengthen your bond and to build a treasure-house of shared experiences. It can be something extravagant as a fancy vacation, or it can be as simple as going for a coffee, it doesn't matter what, just so long as you are enjoying your time together.

Your own space

You both have your own lives, your friends and interests, your own way of recharging your batteries. You need to be happy giving each other their own space. Spending time doing your own things is good for the marriage, it helps to develop you as a person, gives you fresh perspectives and ideas, and can give you plenty of gossip to talk about.

What about money

Are you both working or just one of you. Who pays what bills, do you have a joint account or a single account, do you work to a budget, are you managing debts, are you saving for a place of your own or the future. Money can be a seriously contentious issue, so make sure that you know who does what before you say, I do.

A family of your own

At some point it is likely that you will want to have children. You need to have an idea as to when and how many you would like. You also need to decide who stays at home to look after them. In these days of economic uncertainty it's probably best that the highest earning spouse carries on working, and if that's the mother, then could you manage that? Do you already have children maybe already living with you, or living with an ex, how are you going to manage that.

The dreaded In-Laws

Now your in-laws could be really nice people who don't try to interfere in your lives, and then again they might not. They are your fiancé's parents so at some point you are going to have to make contact with them. How much contact are you going to have with your in-laws, will it be once in a while, or will it be a case of, don't they have a home of their own to live in! While you will always be your parents children, you are now husband and wife in your own family unit and before your parents and even your children, your first loyalty is to your spouse.

How do you deal with conflict

Do you have lots of arguments where you shout and scream at each other, blame each other, drag up faults and past arguments, and generally behave like little children have a tantrum? Or, do you behave like adults, who recognizing that they have a problem talk it through and try to deal with it in a way that both of you are happy? If one of you does something that upsets the other do you take responsibility for your actions and apologize? Being human we are all prone to make mistakes, admittedly some are more serious than others, but are you able to forgive their human frailty and move on?

Can you accept

Being in love with someone means being able to accept them for who they are, the good and the bad. Are you able to accept your fiancé for who they are or do you feel compelled to change them into someone who they are not, destroy their individuality, and change them from the person that you fell in love with?

Do you tell them

Each and every day that you have been together have you been able to tell your fiancé how much you love and appreciate them?

There you have it, 14 topics that every engaged couple really should discuss before committing to each other. Your engagement is your final opportunity to make sure that you are compatible with each other. If you are not compatible then don't do it, it's not worth the pain and grief that you will go through, find someone who you can be truly happy with. If you are compatible then I sincerely hope that you live happily ever after.

Everyone wants to find someone special, some to give meaning and purpose to your life. Unfortunately things do not always work out and you are faced with situations that could wreck your relationship, and ruin something special. Okay, so it could be the natural end of your relationship, but if you want to try and save your relationship and get your life back on track then go to


What You Should Know Before You Get Engaged

Couples that are in the dating stage need to do more than just have fun, they need to learn about their partner. It takes time and effort to do that effectively. It is a mistake to wait to do that until you are engaged. It also requires some targeted work as well. It isn't something to do randomly. There are certain things you should know ahead of time to help you make the decision whether you want to marry this person. At the same time, it isn't as much about finding the right person as it is being the right person. So make sure you approach this with the right attitude. If you are just looking for reasons to eliminate candidates, you'll always find those reasons.

How Well Do You Know Your Partner?

What is the depth of your knowledge of your partner? How long have you known your partner before marriage? There is a relationship between these factors and how satisfied you will be in marriage. The deeper and longer you know someone before marriage, the better chance you'll be satisfied in marriage. I would say there are limits to the length of time that will provide benefits. One to two years is a good guideline. This is because you will understand your partner better and understand your couple strengths and weaknesses over that period of time with the depth at which you have explored.

Ask lots of questions. Ask questions that are hard to answer, and answer them yourself. You can ask these questions now, or discover the answers later. If you don't like the answer later, you may put yourself in a difficult position. If you learn the answers now, you have the choice to accept that answer or not. There are a number of question books on the market for couples and they all are useful. The more questions you can ask, the better chance you leave no stone unturned and the less likely you'll get a surprise after marriage.

Don't ignore red flags when you get them. Realize at the same time that there is no perfect mate. There will be a degree of compromise. So you have to decide what you can live with. Don't fall into the trap of thinking they will change later, or that they have a lot of potential. Don't be a reformer. The question is also whether you will fit the other person's criteria. Look for consistency in their answers over time. Interact with friends and family and make note of red flags that come up. Find out how the other person handles pressure. Build a real friendship, pray together, have similar interests and values. Know the other person's faults and know that you can accept them. Right up to the last minute before the wedding, be willing to call it off if you know deep inside that something isn't right. Get premarital counseling to bring things to the surface that otherwise wouldn't come out. Make sure it is quality counseling. Don't assume anything.

Know That You Are Certain

If you are having mixed feelings about getting engaged, then don't do it. Getting engaged is a serious step. Dating is one thing, but signing up for a lifetime is another. It is normal to have cold feet, but know the difference between that and ignoring the signs that you are basically unsure. Don't feel pressured.

Identify the nonnegotiables beforehand. Don't get involved with someone who abuses you. Don't get involved with someone who is controlled by their parents. Don't think that your marriage will fix problems that currently exist. Get those things fixed before you get engaged. Don't get engaged if you can't talk about your feelings and your needs. It won't get easier. The wedding lasts one day, but the marriage is for life.

If you can't resolve your disagreements completely before you are married, it won't get better after you are married. Living together before marriage will hurt your chances of success. Don't marry a person who treats you like a child. If your partner acts interested in your interests and activities but doesn't like you spending time on them, this won't get better later. Don't marry for sex, you also need social, spiritual, intellectual, recreational and emotional intimacy too. Can you spend a whole day just hanging out with your partner? If not, that spells trouble. Have either of you not resolved a previous relationship and recovered from it? Does your partner suffer from an addiction? That won't change. The ways you are opposite that are cute now will be a pain in the neck later. And this just names a few things to look for.

Only you can decide, but be sure.

Jim Anderson is a worship leader in South Orange County, California, and is a member of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest California. He holds both a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and a Masters of Religious Studies. Rev. Jim also owns a financial services business and performs premarital counseling as well as customized weddings. If you or someone you know is getting married, be sure to check out his website


Why the Diamond engagement ring is a guaranteed success

Men face several difficult tasks when they propose; the first is the nerves and the second is the choice of the ring. Unfortunately I can't help you with the nerves, but I can advise you on the engagement ring.

There are some brides to be seeking something specific, to look out for clues as to what they want. However, if you are not to take the decision on your own and then panic. There are over there magnificent rings which are guaranteed to be a success.

I am a big fan of the 2 carat diamond engagement ring. There are several reasons for this. The first is the size. I think that this is a really practical size for most women. It is well and good having a great huge stone on your finger, but when you have children you don't want to remove your ring whenever prepare you food, change a layer or feeding. I think that the large stones are for special rings which get worn on special occasions.

Your next decision is the cut of diamond. The princess cut has recently gained popularity. This is a cut "Bowling" which, in some cases, will be the diamond look more wholesale than it actually is. This is a very striking cut, but be warned that there are suitable for all hands. The more traditional Cup is that the round cut diamond. It is a beautiful diamond and always shines beautifully.

The final design decision you have is all of your 2 carat diamond engagement ring. Even if you go for a simple solitaire on a regular band, you should always choose the way that the diamond is attached to the ring. One of the first ways to tie a stone in a ring is a necklace. It is always a popular choice and has modern and ancient associations. The people's choice must have a parameter "claw".

Both the collar and the claw framework work well with unique diamonds, but they have also both lend to have a smaller diamond set on each side of the main stone.

The most important thing when you choose your ring, is that you like it. This may seem obvious, but I firmly believe that you will know the perfect ring when you see. If you really could not find the ring perfect then there is always the option to purchase a loose diamond and a jeweller then to construct a ring specifically to it. You can compromise the size of the diamond or other details, but never compromise on the impression that the rings gives; This is potentially the most important gift that you give, so make sure you are proud to be.

Find more about the best way to find lost diamonds for sale and other ideas for the perfect 2 carat diamond engagement ring


White Gold Engagement Ring - Always A Perfect Choice

There are a lot of options when it comes to finding the perfect engagement ring and one popular choice is the white gold engagement ring because of its simplicity and class. By choosing the white gold engagement ring you are already half way home. You know that she likes the white gold engagement ring. Now it's time to choose the stone or gem that will be put in the center of it.

The most popular stone is the diamond. There are other gemstones though but diamonds are favored by many when it comes to engagement rings. If opting for a diamond as the featured gemstone, there are few to things to consider in order to get the best possible result. Here are some few tips in coming up with the perfect gold diamond engagement ring choice.

Always Consider The 4 C's

If choosing the white gold diamond engagement ring, focus on the carat weight, cut, color, and clarity.

With these four factors, you can determine the value of the actual diamond. The higher the number of points in the carat weight, the higher the value of the stone. The same with the color, the more clearer the stone is from pigments, the higher the cost. Cut which differs from shape means the quality in which the stone was done, mainly by proportion in terms of depth, width, and facet uniformity. Shape is also important because it has an impact on the overall beauty of the diamond ring. The reason why the stone has higher value as it is clearer is that imperfections affect the ability of light to shine through the stone thus impacting how the diamonds sparkle.

These choices can also be made according to preference but normally they are based on price. They will be more effective in the value of your diamond.

Try To Focus On Clarity And Shape When Tight Of Budget

Deciding the carat weight and color are usually dependent upon the availability of money, it is a good idea to focus on clarity and shape of the ring in order to make the ring shine with brilliance. These will also be things that your fiancé will notice.

Take your time while choosing for a ring and try and take some clues from her about the shape of the ring. This would help more in her satisfaction of the choice of ring you'll present. Enjoy your experience while shopping for your white gold engagement ring!

Click here to get to know more on latest tips and advices on engagements.


Why Are You Getting Married?

We all want to find someone special, fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. Which is a nice Hollywood type dream to have, and people do achieve it, unfortunately a lot don't and they end up adding to the divorce statistics. When you get married you should know everything that there is to know about your fiance, they likes, dislikes, wants and needs, what makes them tick, you know the thing, you know the thing after all if you are unable to understand them then living with them is not going to be easy. You have to be each others best friend. And when you marry each other it is because it is what you both want, and there is no-one that you would rather share your life with. Okay that's the theory, now why are you getting married?

Are you lonely, is everyone you know married or getting married and you feel left out, is your biological clock ticking and you have to find someone if you ever hope to have that why you are getting married? Just because you are lonely or feel left out, it doesn't mean that you have to grab hold of the first fiancé that you can grab hold of. You need to be compatible with each other, you need to have some kind of common ground or shared interests. Marrying someone who is not right for you will lead to a miserable relationship and another addition to the divorce statistics. Marrying because you want your own child is a big gamble. A child needs a loving, secure, happy family in which they can grow and develop. If you and your husband are not right for each other have you thought about what the effect on your child will be? So take your time and wait till you can find the right person, no matter how long it takes.

Is it a wedding that you are after or a marriage? Before you get married you both need to make sure that you have similar ideas as to how the marriage will function and how it will develop. Where you'll live, who pays what bills, when you'll have a family, that sort of thing. If your visions of the marriage are to far apart from each other, then you could struggle to make your marriage work, as it is a recipe for conflict and resentment.

For a marriage to work and to stand the test of time you need to be compatible with each other. This usually happens best if you have common interests or beliefs, something that you can share. You cannot build a marriage based on looks or infatuation, a marriage is much deeper than that. Opposites might attract, and some relationships might work, but on the whole they are the ones most likely to find themselves attracted to the divorce court.

Each of you is going to have your own wants and needs for the marriage, these may be similar to those you had in the relationship, or they might have changed. You have to be able to communicate these to each other so that you spouse is able to fulfil them. If you cannot communicate what you need, or if you are unable to talk about the marriage and the future, then I would have to ask, why are you getting married? If you don't know what yours or your partners needs and expectations are, how can you know if they can be met?

If you love someone then you have to accept the whole package! There might be things that you can tweak, but a persons good and bad points are what makes them who they are, if you change them to much then you not only lose their individuality, but you lose the person that you fell in love with. If your partner is making to many demands of you, if you are being forced to make decision that affect friends, family and career, then it is not worth it. You had your own life before you came into this relationship, and you cannot be expected to give it up just because you are getting married. You need your own life and space so that you can develop as a person otherwise you will stagnate.

If you are carrying around unresolved issues from previous relationships or marriages, then it is vital that you deal with them before you marry again. If you start married life carrying baggage then it will colour your perceptions of your relationship and in how you interact with your spouse, it could poison your marriage, and you could lose a chance for happiness.

If your reasons for getting married are to improve things between you, then don't do it. If you also seem to be arguing, if your fiance doesn't treat you properly, if you are being abused, getting married will not make things better, it will make them worse! Before you got married it would have been easy to leave, now your are effectively trapped with each other, and in situations like that, behaviour that was bad before can get much worse. Getting married does not change who people are!

When looking for a potential mate there are people who will try to be something that they are not, just to impress. Now this might be down to insecurity or something else, but if they remain in their alter-ego whilst dating, whilst engaged, then they are going to have to maintain it when married, and that won't be easy. If your alter-ego is significantly different from who you are then when your deception comes out, your spouse will find themselves married to a stranger.

If you have any doubts you need to talk about them before the wedding. It might be just pre-wedding nerves or it might signify something more significant. When you get married you have to be absolutely certain that this is the right move for both of you, and that both of you want to make it. Once you get engaged you are on a final countdown to the ultimate in commitment. If you have something to say then don't worry about hurting your fiance's feelings, they might also be having exactly the same thoughts. If there are issues that you cannot resolve then it might be better to go your own ways or to remain happily unmarried. If you leave it until you are married before you start to talk things through then the only way out is divorce. So talk, work things through, and make sure that you are right for each other before you are stuck with each other.

Everyone wants to find someone special, some to give meaning and purpose to your life. Unfortunately things do not always work out and you are faced with situations that could wreck your relationship, and ruin something special. Okay, so it could be the natural end of your relationship, but if you want to try and save your relationship and get your life back on track then go to


Tips to Find Inexpensive Engagement Rings

Are you looking for inexpensive engagement rings? Deciding what type of ring you will offer to the lady of your dreams is a very momentous event in a man's life. If your resources are limited and you are against any lay-away or installment plan, the best approach is to look for inexpensive engagement rings. The most logical approach is to browse the superb collection of many designer jewelry stores and galleries in your area. You should not stop there. If you spend some precious time searching the web, you will be able to trace a wide array of inexpensive rings which possess the stunning and sparkling look and feel of high quality expensive rings.

In view of lower overhead and maintenance costs, offline sellers can afford to offer their handcrafted jewelry items at substantial discounts. They are passing their administrative savings to clients. Up to 60% discounts are being offered for various styles of engagement rings. It therefore becomes a time intensive process of scanning the internet. In scouting for rings at the jewelry stores in malls, you just need the right timing when the stores are having clearance, anniversary, inventory or special sales.

In looking for your lady's engagement ring, being aware of the basic facts about 14k or 18k white or yellow gold, palladium, platinum metals, diamonds, Moissanites, birthstones and other precious gemstones can be a big help. It is possible to place an order for a handcrafted custom engagement ring setting- whether solitaire rings, tension rings, cathedral rings, vintage rings, etc. at an unbelievably inexpensive price. You can call up the online jewelry stores' toll free number, or email them your inquiry or engage them in online chats. Look for a reputable store who has been around for many years and who is equipped with the latest state-of-the art technological knowhow in jewelry crafting and designing. These stores normally offer 100% satisfaction guarantee and automatic refund if you are not satisfied with the item you ordered. They also have a category for "inexpensive engagement rings".

One way of going about the task is to order a pre-set or custom crafted ring with a solid 14k or 18k white gold or platinum and your choice of ring setting. For a classic Solitaire setting, you can order a good quality round cut Moissanite diamond whose sparkling and brilliance quality is fantastic. With this approach, be honest and tell her of your intent to replace the diamond with a higher quality stone at a specified date in the future when you have the funds available. You pour in the major part of your budget to the ring band. This is where your investment should be because it is supposed to last a lifetime. Another alternative to acquire an inexpensive ring is to choose her birthstone or a cubic zirconia stone. However, this should only be your last resort if you do not have any other means because of the high risk and long term adverse effects depending on her reaction.

The engagement ring is one piece of jewelry which will set it apart from the other jewelries owned by your future wife. This ring has to be something special as your expression of true love and affection. The downside is the perception about how special it is depends on its value. This ring will truly have a sentimental value to her as long as she lives. If you want an authentic engagement ring with high quality metal, beautiful ring setting and sparkling diamonds but your finances don't warrant it, take time to search the wide selection of inexpensive engagement rings available in the market. When you come across a reputable jewelry designer store offering an engagement ring you are 100% sure your lady would adore, swallow your pride and take advantage of the 60-80% discount offer by using your credit card or a friend's credit card!

My name is Fem Mascenon and I thoroughly research and write about tension engagement rings. Please visit my site at to find the best engagement ring for your bride-to-be that fits your budget!


Vintage Engagement Rings for Your Special Bride-To-Be

Vintage engagement rings symbolize romance, timelessness and regality for many people. They cover the period of the Filigree, vintage platinum to retro engagement rings. Although some quarters differentiate the circa period of the vintage from the antique, the artistic designs and craftsmanship shown from the 1800s to the 1900s reflect the creativity and brilliance of its circa designers. This type of engagement rings is for a special breed of brides-to-be.

If you are considering an authentic vintage engagement ring or a vintage inspired one for your loved one, be sure to select something she will treasure for many years to come. There are collections of authentic or style look of vintage Edwardian, Art Deco and Victorian jewelries which she will love and adore. The price range for the authentic vintage and the vintage style jewelry rings are moderate to high end.

There are reputable jewelry shops who are capable of creating new vintage-inspired rings from your own choice of design. Vintage engagement rings come in a wide array of unique and dainty designs and settings that can leave you and your special lady breathless. It is important that you should be familiar with the 4 Cs of diamonds and other relevant information about jewelries. Once you have decided your budget's price range, you can begin your journey back to the past.

The Victorian engagement rings were the "romantic rings" made around the 1830s. The word "Dearest" was etched in the rings. The circa settings usually come in yellow or rose gold with small diamond pieces or a large pearl accented with colored gemstones. Style changed to one large diamond center stone when the diamond mines in South Africa started bringing out big diamonds. If this period setting appeals to you, there are many Victorian style rings like a stunning pink sapphire ring, a long and thin rose-cut diamond ring, a unique demantoid engagement ring, a Queen Victoria style of snake ring, a Dearest and Regard rings or a three and five stone ring.

Edwardian style vintage engagement jewelries have intricate lace-like detailed styles. Other designs are made of gold with detailed engravings, classic motif and immaculate craftsmanship. A sample Edwardian style ring you can choose has an appraisal certificate of $12,000 but is being offered for a discounted price of only $5,000. Its features cover a certified diamond stone crafted in an 18k white gold. It has an EGL Certified 0.90 round brilliant-cut-diamond graded G-H color and VS2 clarity. Again, there are vast arrays of styles and settings to choose from that can suit your budget.

When it comes to the background of Art Deco rings, it derived its name from The Exposition of Decorative Arts and Modern Manufacturers held in Paris in 1925. Art Deco vintage rings are characterized by its stylish geometric shapes, bold colors, and contrast of platinum with diamonds or crystals throughout the 1920 period. Other precious stones used during those times were rubies, sapphires, emeralds, turquoise and coral.

A sample art deco ring being offered may arouse your interest. A stunning and very unique art deco vintage diamond ring crafted in solid platinum is being sold for only $3,999 but has a professional appraisal certificate in the amount of $12,000. The ring has 1 genuine Asscher cut bezel set diamond approximate 1.55cttw, E color, very nice VS clarity and accented with 26 genuine diamonds and 12 genuine French cut sapphires, channel and prong set with very fine millegrain borders. The weight is approximately 5.0 grams. If you make a search online and offline, you will note the wide range of collections of this circa rings of vintage style.

When you plan to make the engagement proposal during a romantic candlelight dinner, you should already be armed with your choice of from a variety of vintage engagement rings. Your special lady will be overwhelmed with joy with a Victorian vintage engagement ring mounted with diamonds and blue sapphires symbolic of the durability and spark of fire of your sincere intention.

My name is Fem Mascenon and I thoroughly research and write about moissanite engagement rings. Please visit my site at to find the best engagement ring for your bride-to-be that fits your budget!


Wedding planners

At your buddy pop recently the question? You try to get all together to make your big day so special that it may be? There are people that can help you to think of every detail that you are too excited to remember. These people are called wedding planners. It is their job to make sure that you have the marriage of the best possible experience.

Wedding planners can help you plan everything from invitations, to the car that you leave for your honeymoon. No there is no detail brought extirpated left by these people. It is their profession and their passion to take care of you until you are jumping out of your skin with enthusiasm. It's supposed to be the day for you to shine. Your big moment is that they focus on most and work hard to care for you that you need to be supported.

Planners can come from your home with plans and inspiring images that might meet your needs. You can discuss all of your wildest dreams for your wedding and make a budget for the planner may make suggestions and show you examples of work they did before until you find all perfect for your wedding.

They support all the invitations of paper for you, decide the menu and style service with you and the restoration, discuss with the florist flowers and help you with before tasting cake you decide on the perfect piece. They can even help to choose a band or a DJ for the marriage service.

They can show you videos of other marriages and suggest things in each or ideas of each for more than a feeling of what you are looking for. The site of reception, wedding cake, florist, dress, photographer, caterer and all decorations will be taken care of perfectly for your satisfaction.

The photographer can take care of the wedding photos, portraits, photos of couple and even videos and albums of marriage that will hold you to memories after the marriage. Makeup artist and hair will come to the right for you if you wish and they will make a day of the trial with the Planner and you make sure that you will look your best your special moment.

You will feel like a star at the time when all is said and done. You can count on a wedding planner to ensure that you will be happy on your special day and you will feel confident about it for the rest of your life.


Top 10 Ways to Have a Perfect Budget Wedding

1. Use Local Resources

Our favorite resource is A Grand Wedding. The site "is the only wedding web site that features vendors who all have something to offer for a thousand dollars." The site also has a section where soon-to-be-wed couples can locate each other to Buy, Borrow, or Share items for the wedding.

2. Showcase Your Talented Friends and Family

If your friends and family offer to help, take them up on it!

3. Borrow or Buy Used Items for Your Decorations

Decorations don't have to be brand new. There are many web sites and stores connecting people who want to get more use out of their decorations.

4. Buy a Bridesmaid Dress for Your Gown

Moms, Maids and More has a great selection of classy gowns, most of which come in the traditional white or ivory.

5. Ask for Money Instead of Traditional Registry Items

The last way that you want to kick off your marriage is with debt from your wedding event. Asking for money can help you pay for some of the wedding costs after your big day. Unless your photographer can be paid with blenders.

6. Limit the Guest List

It's not easy, but limiting the guest list can save you a ton of money. Agree on some ground rules with your significant other to avoid common conflicts in this area.

7. Don't Have a Caterer do Everything

You can get a couple catered dishes and have the guests self-serve their food. Be prepared to have helpers set out, replenish, and clean up the mess afterwards. With this option you'll also be able to serve your own alcohol. If you do this, make sure to get a banquet permit at your local liquor store.

8. Do Your Own Flower Arrangements!

Picking your own flowers can save you a significant amount of money. Not only can you save money by picking the flowers, but also by assembling your own floral arrangements. Flower farms charge by the bucket, and in some cases allow picking for free. It's easy to find used vases at garage and estate sales, and they are really cheap. Ask the wedding party to help with the different floral arrangements.

9. Limit Yourself to "Must Have" Items, Instead of "Would Like to Have" Items

Party favors and extra embellishments for the table decorations can add up really quickly. Plus, your guests probably won't even notice.

10. Allow Sufficient Time to Plan

If you have plenty of time, it allows you to be innovative in your budget wedding planning. It's easy to spend extra money if you are rushing at the last-minute.

James Drinkwater is co-founder of, the site for raising money online for fundraisers, weddings, parties, showers, graduations, and many other special events. Setting up an event on is free and provides an effective tool for reaching your audience and raising the money you need. Set up your event for free using Useful Giving and start generating money online in a quick and easy manner.


You're Engaged! Now What?

The moment you've waited for has finally arrived. The man of your dreams has asked you to be his wife. Whether it was sudden or a long time coming, it's what you've waited your whole life for: finding your other half. And it is definitely a time for celebration. It's also a very busy time.

Putting on a wedding is quite an endeavor. It can be quite time-consuming and many brides quickly find themselves overwhelmed and stressed out. But that need not be the case. With ample planning, allocation of time, and a hand tool-such as this one-to guide you, you can have the wedding of your dreams without turning into Bridezilla. This is important since many grooms-to-be report becoming alarmed by their fiancees in the throes of wedding planning madness. The last thing you want is your future husband re-thinking his proposal in the midst of planning your nuptials.

None of this is helped by the fact that within literal moments of the time you share the news with anyone else, people will be begin peppering you with questions. After everyone finishes asking you, 'How did he pop the question?' and 'Did he get down on one knee?' they will move quickly to questions about the Big Day. From 'Have you set a date?' to 'How many bridesmaids are you having?' your head will spin with the array of decisions you are now expected to make.

Often this is overwhelming for the new couple because they themselves have not yet begin considering these questions. Many betrothed couples first fight of their engagement period is provoked by questions by friends, family members, and coworkers. The bride-to-be turns to her intended and begins peppering him with the same questions she herself is being bombarded with and a conflict ensues as a result of the pressure both parties are feeling. Some couples know their timeline right away. Other couples just want to enjoy being engaged for a while before jumping into wedding planning.

When are facing questions that you and your fiance have not yet discussed or established clear answers to, simply smile and say, 'We're just enjoying being engaged right now.' This should be your answer even if you and your husband-to-be are in the midst of a knock-down-drag-out combat about timelines, locations, or colors, present a united front. You definitely do not want to stir up rumors or speculation about the future of your relationship. Additionally, you do not want to have someone mention your private conflicts to your future husband, who may feel betrayed that you've put the business of your relationship out for public consumption. So, it's best to simply leave other people out of the details of your wedding-at the very least until the two of you have definitively settled on them. Once deposits are made, you can consider decisions final. Let that be the clearance to share information with other people.
