Top 3 Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Thinking About Proposing to You

You and your boyfriend have been dating each other for quite some time and you want to take things to the next level. However, that's not that the deciding factor on whether both of you will be getting hitched or not. Are you dying to know if he is going to propose soon? If yes, here are the three common signs that a guy definitely wants to eventually tie the knot with you -- soon!

Talking about the future - Both of you have actually discussed your future plans with each other. This could range from the number of children both of you would like, to have or even where you'd like to settle down and how soon. These are the topics you should take note of to decipher whether or not he is ready to take that extra step with you.

Sparked interest in jewelry - He may randomly ask whether you like platinum, silver or gold. He also may have been glancing at windows of jewelry shops while both of you were going out on dates, even when both of you have passed by those areas frequently. When this happens, he just might actually be thinking about proposing to you.

A ring is missing - Maybe you're thinking that you've misplaced your ring somewhere, only to discover it was in an obvious spot in your room. Perhaps your boyfriend actually took the time to see your ring's size. There are several things that could've happened, and this is one of them. It may be possible to see a proposal somewhere down the road.

Apart from these three signs, some other clues may be:

Strange behavior towards you - He may be a little more anxious than usual. Of course, there are a lot of reasons for this, but if you've been together for a long time and he decided to take you out on a romantic dinner or date, he just might pop the question to you with just a hint of nervousness. He may be more contemplative than he usually is, which would result in him acting a little strange.

Closeness with your family - One of the best signs of a marriage proposal is the closeness your boyfriend has with your family members. There's a good chance both of you will end up together, seeing as your relatives have taken quite the fondness with him. He just may be a permanent presence in your life.

Bernard Y invites you to, dedicated to sharing useful information on relationships and everything under the sun concerning one's dating and love life.

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