Tension Set Rings: A Great Choice for a Diamond Engagement Ring

Tension rings are otherwise known as "suspended" or "floating diamonds." They are called this name because they appear magically suspended or floating in their design. These types of rings are the recent favorite of most women because of their stunning beauty and extraordinary appearance.

Historically, tension rings were introduced by a German jeweler Friedrich Becker by employing a lateral pressure between a spring-hardened shank to hold precious stones. In the following years, improvised methods were used to create sturdier compressions. Since a shank of a tension set ring does not meet, only hard gemstones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, zirconium and cubic can be mounted and tensed.

You might wonder if this ring would last long. Yes it would. Using the aforementioned methods used to clip the stone in between the shank's end, you can expect the ring to last more than hundreds of years before loss of pressure may be experienced. In purchasing a tension ring, look or ask for those rings that use special metals and heat treatments to ensure the longevity of a ring.

At first glance, you might think that tension rings are in a precarious situation. But you don't have to worry about it. A real tension set rings is safely and securely placed by experts. Notice that the restrains in between the shank are as wide as the gemstone in order to protect the stone from being chipped or snagged. Thus, it is important to choose a real and authentic tension set ring. Real tension set rings cannot be pulled apart using your hand because of the proper metallurgical techniques used in the process of making it.

One great thing about this kind of ring is that it allows greater visibility of the diamond which is perfect for a diamond engagement ring. Because of the position of the mounting, which is pressed in between, it allows more light to penetrate the diamond compared to any traditional ring. And since the stone looks suspended while flashing a brilliant light, tension set rings are simply irresistible.

Just one important consideration in choosing a tension ring for your engagement ring is that it is difficult to resize, though not impossible. Since the shank of this ring is hard to cut, it is best if you choose the ring that fits to your future wife's finger right away. You can bring a sample of your fiancée's ring to ensure that the ring you'll purchase will surely fit in her fingers.

Ralph Iser is a marketing executive from Malaysia. He shows great interest in dealing with diamond engagement rings and wedding rings malaysia.

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