Why The Diamond Engagement Ring Is A Guaranteed Success

Men face several difficult tasks when proposing; the first is the nerves, and the second is the choice of ring. Unfortunately I cannot help you with the nerves, but I can advise you on the engagement ring.

There are some brides to be who want something specific, so do look out for clues as to what they want. However, if you are left to make the decision on your own then don't panic; there are beautiful rings out there which are guaranteed to be a success.

I am a big fan of the 2 carat diamond engagement ring. There are several reasons for this. The first is the size. I think it is a really practical size for most women. It is all well and good having a huge great stone on your finger, but when you have kids you don't want to have to remove your ring every time you prepare food, change a diaper or feed. I think that big stones are for special rings which get worn on special occasions.

Your next decision is the cut of the diamond. The princess cut has recently grown in popularity. This is a 'squarer' cut which in some cases will make the diamond look bigger than it actually is. This is a very striking cut, but be warned that it doesn't suit all hands. The more traditional cut is the round cut diamond. This is a very pretty diamond and will always sparkle wonderfully.

The final design decision you have is the set for your 2 carat diamond engagement ring. Even if you are going for a simple solitaire on a plain band, you still need to choose the way that the diamond is attached to the ring. One of the earliest ways of attaching a stone to a ring is with a collar. This is still a very popular choice and has both modern and antique associations. The other popular choice is to have a 'claw' setting.

Both the collar and claw setting work well with single diamonds, but they also both lend themselves to having a smaller diamond set either side of the main stone.

The most important thing when you choose your ring, is that you like it. It may sound obvious, but I strongly believe that you will know the perfect ring when you see it. If you really can't find the perfect ring then there is always to option of buying a loose diamond and then getting a jeweller to build a ring specifically for it. You can compromise of the size of the diamond or other details, but never compromise on the impression that the rings gives; this is potentially the most important gift you give, so make sure you are proud of it.

Discover more about the best way to find looses diamonds for sale and other ideas for the perfect 2 carat diamond engagement ring

Original article

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