How to Arrive At the Best Engagement Proposal Ideas

You can get the best engagement proposal ideas in the simplest of things. Think about it- your proposal needs to be simple and sensitive. It does not need to be elaborate or over the top in order to be effective. After all, a few years down the line- your partner will not really remember how elaborate you made it. She WILL remember the sentiments though! Here are a few marriage proposal ideas that are high on sentiments but low on the details....

• Few women can resist a man who knows his way around the house. Why not base your engagement proposal ideas on something like this? For once- take the burden off her. Clean the house, prepare a lavish dinner (all without her knowing of course!)- and then lay out cute signs that lead her to you! You should be waiting with a ring in your hand of course. If she's like most women- she won't be able to resist you!

• Go for walks often? A beautiful evening through the Central Park can give you just the setting you want for a formal proposal. If simplicity's your forte- this can be just the thing you need. Grab a few Starbucks lattes and go for a walk together- you'll have all the time (and room) in the world for a leisurely proposal! You could even wait for her to get hungry and then give her a walnut to crack. Just make sure you hollow it out beforehand and store the ring inside! It's simple, sensitive- and doesn't require you to invest a fortune!

• A holiday may give you just the chance you need for an engagement proposal. Whether it's New Years Eve, the 4th of July or even Christmas, you enjoy a few advantages already! Your partner's already relaxed, in all probability, and the whole world is celebrating! Why not make a Christmas present out of your ring box? Go for increasingly smaller boxes till the last one reveals your ring!

• Even simple engagement proposal ideas can be fun! Is your partner an incredible gossip? Few women can resist gossip (okay- that's sexist!). But you could get an advantage here. Why not 'leak' your plans to the biggest gossip in her family or circle of friends? Let word get around- till your partner catches a whiff! It's your job to be prepared with a ring at that moment.

Just make sure you're not proposing on someone else's special day. For instance, a wedding or someone else's baby shower is not the right occasion for you to propose marriage to your partner. After all, it is someone else's special day- and the focus should be firmly on that person.

The simple proposal ideas can be the best. Just remember to keep your sweetheart's likes and dislikes in mind when you're thinking about the one that works for you. After all, the best engagement proposal ideas are the ones that say- 'you are special'!

Mark West invites you to find the perfect engagement ring at Wedding Ring Guru. The most affordable wedding ring dealer in the universe!

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