4 Engagement Party Etiquette Tips

Engagement parties are great occasions, but people should keep certain etiquette considerations in mind. Here is a quick list of etiquette guidelines for attending an engagement party.

1. Pre-engagement party
The first thing you need to do before you even go to an engagement party is to make sure yourself and your party are dressed properly. Make sure your clothes are pressed, shoes are shined, and hair groomed properly. You should also bring a gift to the party. Appliances are usually great gifts. Things like waffle makers, rice cookers and punch bowl sets are always good. Gift cards are always good as well. If you do not have enough money for a gift make sure you bring a card congratulating the soon to be married couple.

2. Arrival at the party
When you arrive at the engagement party make sure you sign into the guest list if there is one. Make sure to do so in cursive. The next thing you want to do is give your gift and or card to whomever is getting married. They could be busy talking to other people so make sure you are polite and wait your turn. When you are able to talk to either of the hosts of the party, make sure your whole party says hello. After that, you should also say hello to the parents of the soon to be wed and congratulate them.

3. Eating at the party
When you go to eat and you can eat anywhere, sit with your family. If there is no room for you to sit, you can go to a table with other people at it already. Make sure to be polite and ask them if you can take the extra seats. When conversing with other people make sure to avoid talking about unsettling things, be polite despite the attitude of the people you may be talking to and do not use profanities!

If the style of eating is a buffet, make sure you are considerate and take small servings of food. That way, everybody is able to have some of everything. It is okay to come back for seconds after everybody has finished going through the line once. If the style of eating is where you are served a fixed plate, be sure to thank your server and eat everything on your plate. You can ask for seconds after you think everyone has been served. When eating makes sure you use the proper utensils and your napkin. Also, remember to always be polite and do not get drunk! You can enjoy your alcohol, but know your limit.

4. Dancing at the party
Make sure to always dance. If a man, make sure to ask women who are around the dance floor and are alone to dance. If a woman, make sure to always agree to dancing if asked to dance.

Now you know how to maintain proper etiquette when going to an engagement party. Make sure to have fun!

Ricky Dean writes about various topics. For more info on engagement party etiquette, visit Dinosauric.com content sharing site.

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