Choose a Vintage Ring for Your Engagement Ring

Everybody has different inclinations when it comes to jewelries. There are people who love modern and classy-looking rings while others prefer the old and antique. If you come to know that your future bride falls into the latter category, you can choose a vintage diamond engagement ring in winning her big "yes." There are many reasons why traditional rings are great options in finding the perfect engagement ring.

Primarily, you have to be aware that classic rings neither look new nor old. It means that you need to have knowledge in distinguishing whether a ring is really vintage or not. You might be paying a hundred dollars for a fake jewelry. Thus, it is best to look for rings in a trustworthy jewelry shop so that you wouldn't end up tricked by any unscrupulous seller.

What gives value to a classic ring is the history attached to the ring. Usually, a ring is a form of treasure or heir passed down from one generation to the next. A vintage ring as an heirloom carries a sentimental value no modern rings can offer. Every ring has its own unique story that is carved in a piece of this type of ring. If your bride loves this idea, a traditional ring is the best ring to give to her.

In the world of jewelries, there are three eras which can qualify a piece of jewelry if it's really antique or not.

· The first era is the Victorian era which existed between 1837 until 1901. Those were the times when diamonds gained popularity to be used as engagement rings. Most rings during this era were either made of silver or yellow gold and usually do not have diamonds at all. Mostly, stones such as sapphires and rubies were used. Because of this, vintage rings coming from this era are quite rare to find.

· The second era is the Edwardian era. This period in history started in year 1901 and lasted until early 1920's. During this time, platinum replaced gold as the metal of choice for rings. Moreover, diamonds began to be used as side-stones being sapphire as the primary stone used.

· The last era of vintage rings is the Art Deco era. This period ranged from 1920 to 1930. This was the time when rings were oddly shaped and covered with diamonds. You can easily know a vintage ring from this period because of its unique geometric and boxy look. Aside from diamonds, other precious stones are used to decorate the ring.

Ralph Iser is a marketing executive from Malaysia. He shows great interest in dealing with diamond engagement rings and engagement rings Malaysia.

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