Treasure This Time

The following article is designed for couples of all ages in all nations and is meant to be informative and useful for the wedding process:

Treasure this time

You are only engaged once. This time will fly by. With all the whirlwind of the wedding planning, it is easy to lose sight of one another. Do not lose this time together. It's a special, magical time, full of possibilities.

Take time now to buy a journal or scrapbook to commemorate this time together. Years from now, you will be glad that you chronicled this fleeting time in your lives.

Announce your engagement

There are many ways of announcing your engagement. Whatever method you choose will be appropriate. Some couples choose to have a party to announce and commemorate the happy event and others do something more low key. You can put an announcement in a local or hometown newspaper, create a wedding website, or send announcement cards. There is no wrong way to go about it.

Engagement Party

At one time there were strict rules about the when, where, and how of engagement get togethers. Things are much laxer. Parents of either the bride or the groom can host an engagement party, but so can friends of the couple, other family members, or even the couple themselves. Traditionally, you have the engagement get together within three months of the announcement. However, the rules regarding timing are getting much looser as well. You do want to set the party's date appropriately far enough away from the wedding date so that the two events do not blur into one another. The current rule is that the party should not be held less than six months prior to the main event.

Some couples choose to have a very formal party and others go for a more casual setting. It is a nice idea to differentiate the theme and feel of the engagement party from the coming wedding. It's critical to avoid overshadowing the Big Day. There are no hard and fast rules for engagement parties anymore-except 'don't overdo it.' Just make sure that the engagement party is not a more phenomenal event than the wedding itself.

Engagement parties are not required, but many couples enjoy them. The downside to an engagement party is that you must set a guest list. The guests who are invited to the engagement party are now expected to be on the guest list for the wedding as well.


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