How to Choose the Best Engagement Ring

When you plan on asking that special someone to spend the rest of your lives together, there are many different types of engagement rings to choose from.

Your future wife will be wearing this ring for the rest of her life, so it needs to be something that fits her taste. Some women tend towards white gold, while others only prefer yellow gold. You need to make sure that you know this simple fact about her.

The first decision is how much you are going to spend on that special ring. You want to make sure that you can afford it. Normally, an engagement ring is a solitaire diamond in a band. Sometimes it has additional accent diamonds or other gems. While most men like to go and surprise their future wives with a ring of their choosing, some couples go together and choose their rings. This depends on your relationship.

The second issue at hand is picking the ring setting. With rings for engagement, there are several different types of settings: invisible, prong, flush, tension, bezel, channel and many others. Once you found your chosen setting, the one that will look perfect on her finger, you will then need to choose the diamond to be placed into the ring.

Many different factors are important when picking out your engagement ring. Make sure you work with a reliable dealer who can be trusted about finding the perfect diamond within your budget. Basically, there are four C's when choosing a diamond for any diamond ring: cut, color, clarity and carat (the last one stands for the size). Diamonds also come in various shapes, including square, oval, princess, marquise, pear, heart, emerald and others.

A well cut diamond will have good shine and sparkle. Even without being an expert, if the diamond is cut incorrectly you can see it lacks in appearance. Generally, you should prefer a diamond with the least amount of color, the clearest you can afford, with the fewest imperfections, and the most sparkle and shine. Look at it and you will know.

Don't forget to get a warranty on your new ring even before the engagement. Such a warranty needs to cover repairs, regular cleanings, sizing and theft or loss.

After you've selected the engagement ring setting and the best diamond shape and size, you will finally be ready to have the ring sized. Buying an engagement ring is a big step in life. Choosing the best engagement ring will show her how much you love and know her and it will also improve the chances that she will say yes!

Tom T. Kerr, Editor.
Jewelrista - Jewelry Design & Passion.
The meeting place for Jewelry designers, lovers and shoppers.

Original article

1 comment:

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